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    4 Persons • 1 bedrooms • 50 m²

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    The capital of Germany, Berlin, is a modern city with a high pulse and inspiring surroundings. Whether you want fashionable shopping, exciting museums or beautiful architecture, Berlin is the place to go.   
    In 1989 East and West Berlin were reunited and this triggered a lot of new architectural projects, which in the years to follow transformed the city into one big construction site. Today you can enjoy the result of this construction work in the form of grand and beautiful architecture in the entire city. You can for example visit Potsdamer Platz, where there is a wealth of amazing and unique buildings. Besides the newer buildings you can also see historic buildings or monuments, like Brandenburger Tor or old apartments with bullet holes.    
    But Berlin is not just buildings. The city is also known as the green capital of Europe. Strolling through the city you will almost always be able to spot a three or a green area. In the centre of the city you find the park Tiergarten, which welcomes you in to a relaxed and peaceful area, filled with green grassland and many threes. If you would like to see some more exotic animals, than the typical park squirrel, you should go to Berlin Zoo. Berlin Zoo is one of the world's biggest Zoos and is among others famous for its pandas.    

    If you wish to see Berlin from another ankle, you can either go up in the TV tower and enjoy the view over the city or go on a guided tour in the undergrounds of Berlin and experience the gloomy protection shelters. And when you are tired of sightseeing you can enjoy the nice shopping areas and many trendy cafes and restaurants all over town. You are guaranteed plenty of entertainment, if your holiday is headed to Berlin.