Rent out your holiday home

With you can add your holiday home and try our advert completely free of charge for a 3 month trial period. After the trail period the advert cost an annual fee of 54 EUR per year.

**New User Bonus**

Purchase a HolidayHomePlus subscription within 14 days after entering your house and save 25%

Free for 3 months

Trial period

  • 1 picture.
  • Detailed description
  • Price and availability
  • Inventory list


EUR 54 per year - 25% discount for quick sigup.

  • Unlimited number of photos
  • Detailed description
  • Price and availability
  • Inventory list
  • Link to your own website

Last Minute advertisements

As a house owner you can, once you have entered your holiday home details, take out a Last Minute advertisement.

Payment is based on hits, where every hit costs 200 Credits. One hit is equivalent to one visitor clicking on your advertisement and thus viewing your holiday home. With a Holiday Home Plus subscription a hit only costs 100 Credits.

A Last Minute advertisement is shown on the front page and in the Owner newsletter which is sent every second week to more than 1500 readers.
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