North Zealand gives you a vacation with the kings

  • By Vacation-NOW | 18/11-2014 00:00

    North Zealand offers a little of everything, both when it comes to nature and attractions. The nature is green and luxuriant and shifts between big open spaces, dense forests and large lakes. At the very top of Zealand you get to experience Zealand’s most beautiful coastline and enjoy some lovely beaches. Go to one of North Zealand’s fashionable beach cities, Tisvildeleje, Hornbæk or Liseleje, where you find soft, white beaches and plenty of happy people on vacation. Oresund coast has gathered some smaller beaches, for those who want to get away from all the people, and as and extra bonus you get to enjoy the view across the Sound to Sweden.        

    Besides the fashionable beach cities, you also get a glimpse into the royal world, when visiting North Zealand. In Helsingør is the beautiful castle Kronborg, which is known from the Shakespeare play Hamlet. From Helsingør you further more have the possibility to take the ferry over to Sweden, to se another part of Scandinavia. Helsingør is also known for the Oresund aquarium and the Maritime Museum of Denmark, which both tells you stories about the mysterious of the sea. In Fredensborg you find the royal family’s spring and autumn home Fredensborg Castle, while you in Hillerød get to visit the magnificent Frederiksborg Castle. Frederiksborg Castle is home to the National History Museum. Both Hillerød and Helsingør are also big cities with many entertainment possibilities, whether you like shopping, culture or nice restaurants.     
    North Zealand is also home for some amazing art, located in the art museum Louisiana. Louisiana unites architecture, art and landscape. You can for example take a walk in the old park and enjoy the view over Oresund. This might all be a little too cultural for the kids, but do not fear, the solution is close by. Not far from Louisiana is Fredensborg Falconer farm (Fredensborg Falkonergård), where you get to see eagles and falcons in action. A little further north you can visit North Zealand’s Bird Park (Nordsjællands Fuglepark), where beautiful, colourful birds will meet you. North Zealand is a place with old culture and royal atmosphere, but there is also room for families with kids in one of the many lovely beach cities.  

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