Læsø - The Holiday Island

  • By Vacation-NOW.com | 14/09-2013 16:02
    Læsø is simply the Holiday Island that offers you everything. When you arrive with the ferry to the harbor of Læsø you will be met by idyll of a true Danish fairytale. You will see house roofs build with seaweed, the locals welcome you, and the fishermen’s freshly caught fish is ready to be bought. Almost instantly you will understand what the Danish word “hygge” is about. The Island hasn’t got a big population but every summer it is visited by many happy tourists. Luckily Læsø has the perfect size in the matter that you can go for a long walk without being ran over by other tourist or locals.

    On Læsø you have the possibility to do many other things than simply being lazy in the garden at your rented house property. You can discover the highly diverse nature which includes dune heaths, heathland bogs and tidal meadows. The variation in the nature attracts many species of orchid, birds, and especially the beautiful butterflies. A must see on Læsø is the environment of the citylife at the harbor. In Denmark Læsø is known for their Norway lobster and they catch so many that the delicacy is unbelievable cheap. In August every year the Island arrange a lobster festival where the nationwide chefs compete in cooking best cooked Norway lobster.

    Specialties on Læsø

    If you wish to see a real Læsø specialty you have to visit the Saltworks. Catch the atmosphere of the salt-seether’s old handwork with boiling water over fire, while he sings and tell tales of the history of the Island. The salt from Læsø is a delicate and highly luxurious salt which is used in food from the elite gastronomic restaurants in Denmark.

    The best thing about Læsø is without a doubt the beaches. North, South, East or Vest, should it be a little windy in one direction, you can always ride your bicycle to a beach nearby and lie in the lee. Should you be eager for total relaxation after biking, you can visit Læsø spa and hibernate with massages, hot salty spas, sauna and outdoor hot top.

    Læsø is the recipe for luxury self-indulgence consisting of relaxation, great food, amazing beaches, and the feeling of experiencing a true Danish fairytale.
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