Fyns Hoved, one of Denmark’s loveliest places

  • By Børge H. | 06/05-2014 00:00

    At Fyns Hoved the sun shines brighter than most places in Denmark. This is because Fyns Hoved is located on a peninsula in one of the most exclusive holiday areas. There is a very unique light at Fyns Hoved, which is the reason why many painters have painted here. Some of the most famous are Fritz Syberg and Johannes Larsen, both from the turn of the century between the 19th and 20th century.   

    At Fyns Hoved you can find many tools from the stone age, which shows that people lived here all the way back to the stone age. In terms of wildlife you find a larger number of vipers in the area, and as one of the only places in Denmark it is possible to find the natter jack toad, which can be heard croaking in the summer month May and June. Also the Glanville fritillary can be experienced here. There are many small islands you can sail to, whereof many are bird sanctuaries, where you first get to visit after the breading season. The area is in general a place where many birds migrate across.

    There is water at both sides, which makes it a good fishing area. A lot of sea trout and flatfish are caught in the area. Earlier they use to start the boat race Funen around from Fyns Hoved harbour ‘Korshavn’.   

    At the centre of Fyns Hoved they used to have radar installations and aircraft guns during the war. The place also has a lovely camping site with a shop, barbecue place, playing gear and miniature golf. And once a week, during the holiday season they have a treasure hunt. Besides that it is sometimes possible to see how to make smoked cheese and there are also flea markets from time to time. 

    Fyns Hoved is only 23 kilometres away from the old fisher village Kerteminde, which has old charming houses, cosy restaurants and a large modern marina. In Kerteminde you also find ‘Johan Larsen Museum’ and ‘Fjord and Bælt’ centre, which among others have tame harbour porpoises. Besides that you only have 45 kilometres to the city of H.C. Andersen, Odense, with many attractions as for example, the Zoo, The house of H.C. Andersen, the Funen village and a lovely centre of the town. There are only 140 kilometres to LEGOLAND and 150 kilometres to Copenhagen. The Island Funen in the centre of Denmark, also known as the Danish garden, is really worth a visit.       

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